awe (jaw on the ground kind)
full of love

This is what I feel today!
Why you ask?

Well when you have a little boy who is almost 3 who just out of the blue decides to start using the toilet, and you're his Mother, these are some of the intense feelings that overwhelm you! And I'll add, when you are about to give birth to your 6th child in 5 weeks, the feelings only intensify!!!!
Here is our super man, little stud and star of the week!

For the past few months I have given him lots of opportunities to wear BIG boy underwear and although he was peeing all over the house I did see improvements in the length of time between accidents! Ha ha! But last Friday, he got up and said, "Mom I gotta go potty." Then ran to the potty and went all by himself!! The day was amazing! He had one accident when he couldn't get his pants down fast enough and then stayed dry for the rest of the day, and did the famous #2 on the potty also!!! Then Saturday we decided to test his skills! So I took him to get some Potty treats and to pick a special toy to place high on a shelf in our kitchen, which he would receive if he stayed dry all week long. He stayed dry at Walmart and even used the bathroom there (gross I know, I don't even like to do that).

Then to add to my astonishment, we put him in underwear for church and he stayed dry all Sunday, including nap-time and the entire night through!! (He was in and out of sacrament meeting a lot trying to be a big boy, but hey, we were fine with that!)

What a blessing this has been. Seth is such a smart boy and I am so proud of him. It seems like all of a sudden he is a little man instead of a toddler! He has been so self directed in this decision that I can't deny the very real possiblity that we are done with diapers for at LEAST a month!! I know, that doesn't sound too promising . . . but we have a month before our baby girl comes, AND I'LL TAKE IT!!
I love you Seth, I am so proud of you!
Mom xoxo


Proud Momma said…
I didn't know you had a blog! Yay! Don't you love that? My little girl did just about the same thing and after a nightmare with my oldest girl? That was awesome!
Sarah said…
That is BIG news!! What great timing for everyone. I remember karson being so determined when he was three... it's such a treat when they set their mind to it, and do it! Good Job SETH!

how are you doing Em? It's getting closer... are you ready?!! :)
Sarah said…
That is BIG news!! What great timing for everyone. I remember karson being so determined when he was three... it's such a treat when they set their mind to it, and do it! Good Job SETH!

how are you doing Em? It's getting closer... are you ready?!! :)

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