Mr. Wi11
The Rams Green & Gold squad ended up playing each other in the Final
Game of the last Tournament , they were pretty pumped!!
Zack Jacobs and Will Boehme ( 2nd cousins)
Mr. Will had quite the football season.

This was his first year.
He thinks he scored a total of 24 touchdowns.
It was so much fun to watch him.
Football is quite a complex game and in practices it seemed like overload at first.
But in his first game, on the first play of the game, he ran into the end zone for a touch down!! The second play of the game, he did the same thing. (Can you imagine me jumping up and down on the sidelines cheering and yelling at the top of my lungs, LOL!!!) Beginners luck right???
Well, he ended up getting 3 touchdowns in that game. He was thrilled.
Will. Loves. Football.
We spent all of September and October eating supper at 4:00pm and rushing off to Football practice and games. It was busy, but so fun to watch him find such passion in the sport!! I think it helps a little that his Dad loves it too!
Mr. Wi11 turned eleven last weekend and he celebrated this year by heading up to Calgary to a Stampeders Game with his Dad and his best friend Parks Hirsche. They had great seats, and had a blast together, just the guys.
It is hard to believe that I have an 11 year old! I remember so clearly the day he was born, the day he made me a Mommy! I can still remember those first moments as I looked into his eyes and wondered where life would take him, what gifts and talents he would develop and what our life would be like together . . . . . as a family. Will is a true leader & we are so blessed to have him as the BIG brother in our home. He works so hard and always tries to do his best. He has set the goal to read the Book of Mormon before he turns 12 and receives the Aaronic Priesthood, I am excited for him and hope he will work hard to accomplish his goal and to really come to know for himself that the Book of Mormon is true.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILL, we love you so much.
Here is the footage of one of his touchdowns. Will is #8. Just a WARNING, Brian forgets when he is recording that the microphone is right by his mouth!! You may want to turn down your volume on your computer while watching! Enjoy!