my joy!

i can't get enough of Seth right now
he is becoming quite the chatter box!

i love calling his name and hearing him immediately start into some kind of rambling as if he has so much he just has to tell me!!
the first part is always a little hard to understand and then i will hear emma's name and will's name mixed in the sentence somehow.

he can't seem to pronounce maddison's or ethan's name very well. we have tryed to teach him deedee for maddi and sometimes he will say that!
but for the most part he calls his sisters, emma and his brothers, will! i guess it is easier that way!! too funny!

the other night we were getting ready for our ward valentines dance and i was doing maddi's hair in the bathroom and seth came in and said " ahh cute!" maddi and i giggled till our sides hurt!

seth seems to be so aware of entertaining us all, it makes him seem so much older to me than he is. he gets this little twinkle in his eye and look on his face signifying that he knows he has been funny! and lately he will just wrap his arms around my neck and squeeze me so tight saying "mama" with excitement. he sings the first parts of justin bieber songs, i am not sure if i should share that because then that would mean that yes that is all we are listening to lately. my kids love justin bieber!!! seth will sing oh-o-o-o-o-o-oh, of baby! it is really quite cute!
he loves all music and loves to sing with me at nap time, "I Am a Child of God," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," and for some reason really gets a kick out of me singing Einsy Winsy Spider as fast as i can!

lately he says "et out" (get out) when he wants the kids to go out of his room.
"dop" for stop when he has had enough of something and wants to be left alone.
"nack" for snack and i hear that one from morning to night, he has a very healthy appetite!
"elp me" for help me when he can't quite figure something out for himself!
and last night he was fascinated with his cousin beau and kept saying his name over and over.

every day is different, he is always learning some new word or accomplishment!

this little boy is so precious, i love his chubby cheeks, thank goodness he hasn't grown out of those yet!! i love his big blue eyes, i love his rough and tumble, football player run! i love how active and bright and kind he is. i love hearing him laugh! it is so fun to watch him and emma play together. emma is his world right now. he says her name more than any one else's in our household.

whatever will i do when i don't have any more babies to love?
love teenagers? i will miss these days more than i can express.
but for now, i have a toddler to love and i know i need to cherish every moment with him before he too, grows up on me!


ABDO said…
I was just talking to someone about the great stage of toddler-hood! What a great tribute to a sweet little's SO TRUE.

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