You gotta "(g)love" it!!!

My little man found my rubber gloves and they were the new toy for a few minutes and then like everything else they were dropped and he was on to the next thing. He is a such a busy boy.
Seth's little personality is really shinning these days.
He is starting to say a few words and he is developing his inner comedian. Who wouldn't with such a great audience every day! He does the Mr. Cheeze face at suppertime to get a few laughs, you know nose up in the air, lips in the silliest grin, showing those little chompers! I love how his sweet little voice fills our home with laughter. It is contagious. Seth can say Mama, Dada, Wowl (Will), Diesa (diesel has obviously made quite the impression), Uh-oh, All Da (all done), Dow, Wa Wa (water).
But my favorite is Mama . . . BIG surprise I know, but there is just something so special about the way Seth says my name, it's that inflection at the end that just makes my heart melt! How wonderful to be truly needed, and loved. There are probably more words I am forgetting to mention, but I did write all this down in my journal too!

I love this sweet, chubby, high spirited little boy more than words can express. He has grown much to fast for my liking but in my heart I have cherished every minute.


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