First Day of School - A month late!!!
Back to School time is so much fun.

new school supplies
new clothes
new shoes
As I look at these children of mine it is hard to believe that they are so. . . . . so, BIG! Every year brings growth and change and I feel so blessed to be part of the journey, each one is so different, so special, so loved.
I am really looking forward to a slower pace. We are truly following the Prophet by simplifying our schedule so that we can spend more time together. I have loved this so far, some nights we just bake cookies, or we play at parks or on the trampoline, sometimes we read and read until bedtime! It was tougher than I thought it would be to say NO to all the EXTRA activities but it has been the best choice I have made, for my family, in our situation. We have more time together as a family.
This year we also followed through with some activities that our free time allowed. Like Brian and Scott hosting a Football Day Camp. What a success that was!! They had about 16 boys come and they ran drills and had the boys enjoying themselves so much they hardly had time for a scrimmage at the end. (now that is good coaching!)
Our meal times have been very pleasant because we aren't stuffing our faces to rush of to the next lesson or activity. Will is taking piano from Karen Wetterstrand and Maddison and Ethan are taking from Grandma Boehme. I know Maddi and Ethan have loved this one on one lesson with their Grandma!
Life is good, and I feel blessed!
Here are the photos from our BACK TO SCHOOL photo shoot!!
All the children are attending SUNNYSIDE SCHOOL again this year. We love this little country school, great teachers, great kids, everyone knows everyone!
Will is in GRADE 4 this year (he loves his teacher Mr. Ken Van Cleave)
Maddison is in GRADE 3 (Mrs. Bev. Smith)
Ethan has started GRADE 1 (Mrs. Jill McIntyre)

It was a beautiful crisp September morning.

They had a bad case of the giggles. Maybe it is excitement or nerves, but my kids are always giggly like this on the first day of school.

An Ethan sandwich!

They had a bad case of the giggles. Maybe it is excitement or nerves, but my kids are always giggly like this on the first day of school.

An Ethan sandwich!

It is hard to believe my little Ethan is starting Grade 1.
It seems like such a big milestone. They start Grade 1 and then they just grow up so fast. I love this sweet, tender, smart, little boy.

I love you Ethan boy!

pretty Maddi

Just before school started Maddison got her ears pierced. She got a terrible ear infection and went through quite a bit to get it under control. I was proud of her, the way she became so regimented in cleaning and turning and disinfecting them every morning and night. I love this goofy, sweet, girly-girl of mine.
Is it just me or does will look like a pre-teen in this picture?Ahhhh! He will be turning 10 in a few weeks and I can't believe he'll be in the double digits!! He is such a good, helpful, responsible boy. I love watching him develop his talents and grow in the gospel. He is such a good big brother.

Diesel came and sat right beside Will for this picture. I thought it was so cute. A dog is truly a a little boy's best friend.
These are all darling pics of your kids!