CAN I just say. . . .
Canning can really make me not want to EVER can another thing again. . . . of course until I walk into my storage room, and see all that I have canned. I just have to stop and admire every can, the beautiful colors, and a great feeling of accomplishment (I CAN!) that washes over me!. Can it really be 12:08 am. I am not canning right now, but I confess that a full canner is boiling on the stove almost finished processing. I CAN NOT believe I am blogging about this. I just thought it was really canny how many times you can say the word CAN in a sentence. It is late. I really, really need to stop typing.
I hope you CAN check my blog soon, because I just might CAN this post tomorrow. Seriously. What has come over me?
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You are amazing.