Baby Love--furry, 4 legged friends!

so i've learned a few things now that i'm a country girl-- a dog is a good investment (preferably young puppies and those that are healthy and haven't been kicked to many times, ie Rocky... sorry old boy)

when you live on a farm there are no guarantees.
in 2 years my kids have had many experiences with life and death.
freckles the cat was the first to go.
sad but true.
then daisy had kittens right before our eyes, and was tragically killed by our neighbors dog just 4 days after the kittens were born.
oreo was the only kitten that survived of her litter, and the kids sure loved that cat.

this summer oreo disappeared . . .and then some chickens . . . and then we saw it.

a fox
(a very cunning fox)

this fox would appear in broad daylight just lounging around the farm, grandpa found it one afternoon in the barn eating the cat food. grandpa set traps and it always seemed to find the bate and never get caught.

2 days ago we caught the fox!! ding dong the Fox is dead, the Fox is dead, the Fox is dead, ding dong the wicked fox is dead.!!(if you are any fun at all you will sing that to the tune from the Wizard of Oz )

So now we have 3 safe little kittens.
tigress. tiger lily (their practically twins) and blizzard

and we got a new puppy.
his name is Diesel
he is very cute
and so playful
and every day he brings all sorts of garbage and kindly places it on my front step. (nice I know)
he will be good at keeping foxes away!
the kids adore him

life on the farm is good, even if we do have to learn a lesson or two on survival of the fittest. (thanks Darwin)

we hope you live a long life diesel, to protect our cute little 4 legged friends! ( I guess chickens technically have 2 legs, he he!)
(and hopefully you will out grow your habit of chewing on the cats)

Cat and Dog fight! Instigated of course by Will and Maddi

Maddi loves this little pup!


Sarah said…
I am so jealous of your farm life! Seriously I can't wait for the day my kids will get there pets....... not sure when it will happen though. Scott always tells me he envies your little farm.I love DIESEL. So cute and the perfect name. I can't wait to see more of you in October...... it was cut way too short and sweet last weekend. Your beautiful and amazing and never forget it OK!!!!! Love you Sis
Sarah said…
I meant 'their' pets :) sorry i should read it before i post it!
K Lind said…
Ah, cute new pets! I love Diesel! :-) (I'm a dog person, can ya tell?!)

I remember seeing a small kitten die before my eyes as a youngin'. Pretty hard. I'm glad you and your family are doing so well! :-)
Jennyanne said…
I love Diesel. I am glad you changed it : ) Who finally thought up the winning name?

I love the pictures of Maddi. She looks so sweet and all grown up. Can't get enough of that girl.

I am also jealous of your farm life!
houseofhud said…
Diesel is soooo cute. I won't tell Jeff because he will be jealous. He wants a dog so bad. A black lab would probably be his choice too!

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