still no baby yet!

isn't this a great one of me, wish I could say I am making that face because I am in labor!

Just a few round pictures of me, before I POP! Yes I am really trying to look happy and now you are all forced to make MANY comments about how great I look, how tiny I am AND SO ON!
I think there must be something up with my due dates. My original due date was April I guess I could have another week or more of pregnancy to endure. However, my ultrasound date was 3 weeks 7 days off so the DR decided to bump my date forward to April 1st, 2009! I feel like my body is trying to surrender and yet this baby is not quite ready to come into the world yet! Gotta trust the process I guess, baby will come when he/she is good and ready!
I decided to remove the baby gadget that counted down the days so we all could be surprised together without counting DAYS! I for one, am going a little crazy with all the "what if's!" So.....wish me luck....say a little prayer like all my children do every day that ...."the baby will come SOON!"
I think you look great and I hope the wee little Boehme comes sooner than later.
i hope it is soon... those last days are hard.
i will be thinking of you.