My little girl is 8!
There are so many special moments of childhood.
On July 24th, 2010 my little girl was baptized and she truly glowed.
I love this picture of Maddi and her Dad. How blessed I feel that Brian lives worthy to bless our children through his Priesthood, it brought a tear to my eye to watch him tenderly and ever so gently put her down under the water, and then kneel down beside her in the water to give her a big hug.

The pretty dress we picked out together online. I added the sleeves because she wanted to be modest. I love this girl!!

i loved the pink sash and beautiful rosettes with ribbon at the back

The pretty dress we picked out together online. I added the sleeves because she wanted to be modest. I love this girl!!

Pretty Auntie Jenny, who gave such a special talk on the Holy Ghost. I wanted to show Maddi's hair too, a friend in my Ward braided it for her and it looked beautiful.
i loved the pink sash and beautiful rosettes with ribbon at the back
so special to have many of the people who mean so much, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins come to support her.
what a princess!
i love you Maddi
Fresh as a rainbow
Pure as the white snow
Bright as the sun's warm glow
Shiny and brand new
Sweet as the morning dew
(lyrics from a song by Cheryl Davidson that I used to sing along to as a little girl)
I love my Grandparents so much. They came to support Maddi and our family and we are forever grateful that they would come and share in this special day. WE LOVE YOU!
We gave Maddi her first scriptures with a darling case. She was thrilled.
The 2nd Birthday cake for Maddi, made by Aunt Melissa. Mmmmmm it was so delicious!
Blowing out the candles after a long and eventful day. Earlier in the morning Maddison was in the Magrath parade on a float for Melissa's School of Ballet. She loved every minute wearing full make-up for the event.
Truly a Day to Remember
Amazing to think that she was washed clean of all sin, that for a little while she is pure and free of any stain. I pray that her testimony of the Savior will continue to grow and that she will rely on the special gift she was given. . . . ALL HER LIFE.