A Man who lived with HEART ......i will miss you so!

You and I.

So many memories.

Sitting on your knee, singing to you as a little girl

Hearing you say, "Oh what a beauty!"

Feeling like your little princess.

Always feeling your love and that you were proud of me.

Time spent together, on dinner dates.....you made time for each grand child

I've loved you in life Grandpa and in death you have left a legacy of love and goodness and service to so many. So many have called me and have told me how much you meant to them, how special you made them feel. You truly made "the one" feel important and special.

You are my H E R O, I love you so much and will miss you dearly. But as I went to be with Grandma just after your passing, I felt your spirit so tangibly. You were watching over us then and I know your spirit is A L I V E and that you have stepped into a bigger sphere, and that you will watch closely over us, your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I pray that in my life, through service and faithfully living the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST that I will show my gratitude to you for all your GOODNESS, your life of service and generosity.

I love you Grandpa.


ABDO said…
emily-your posts are so sweet and sincere. I was sorry to hear about your grandpa's death, but i love reading your words about his life and influence on you. Peace be with you and your family...

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