2010 WILLIAMS REUNION ~ Lake 5 Memories!

Post Bumper Boats. Fun for most, except for the 4 and under innocent passengers who took the brunt of the water guns.

Brian the seriously competitive GO-CART racer. He found the fastest car, I mean he has seriously mad skills and should think about changing careers! (ha ha)

If you have questions/concerns about this picture, well. . .
all I can say is WHITE ELEPHANT. There have been a few times in my life when I have given in to excess laughter. Well that night truly tops them all!!! SUCH GOOD TIMES!

Mmmmm delicious fruit (see below)

These two were pretty glad to have made it to the TREE together. So cute!

For our Family Home Evening, we had the kids experience Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life. It was so fun to watch the kids put on their blind folds to experience the "mists of darkness, " to have them then hold to the iron rod as they passed by the Great and Spacious Building. Sarah and Jenny were mocking and making us all feel ashamed!!!( haha) Well I guess except for Scott and Josh who were bringing up the rear and literally let go of the rod to follow after these "hotties."
No denying it Josh and Scott I've got it all on video, although I guess I can't blame you. I really think the kids thought it was pretty great. To see them all enjoy the "fruit" ( their sugar powdered donut) was worth it all!

what I wouldn't give to see a picture taken of those little faces from Jenny and Sarah's angle. Now that would be Priceless!
The best times were when we could just sit around and do nothing.
Jenny and Nadine camping becomes you both, you look beautiful.

I love this lady and holding Anderson for the first time truly brought a tear to my eye. He is the sweetest little boy!
Sisters are the greatest. I love you Sarah and Jade.

Such a Fun Filled Week we had a LAKE 5 with all the WILLIAMS FAMILY!
I LOVE YOU ALL and can't wait for next year


Thomas Family said…
I love all these pictures. Families are the greatest and what a good idea with the iron rod. So funny. I LOVE it when families get together!!

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