Celebrating ONE!

Last week we celebrated 1

1 little blond, wispy haired boy
1 very special year to cherish (oh how i wish i could relive every moment)
1 very special birthday for our sweet little Seth

As I think about the day that Seth was born and that incredible journey called birth that we shared together. There was something so special, almost spiritual that I experienced in my delivery with this very special little man. I remember feeling so honored, so very lucky as I held him for the first time and those deep penetrating eyes looked up at me, looking into my heart and soul. I cherish those first moments when it was as if my sweet child so innocent, so pure was thanking me for a "pleasant trip," his eyes truly seemed to say "I'm home, this isn't so bad!"
As I've watched my sweet, chubby little man grow over these past 12 months, I've felt so grateful for the thousands of moments that are forever embedded upon my heart.

A new milestone during the week of his birthday, Seth just started walking! Wednesday he took 6 steps and today I think we are up to 15 or so. I love watching this little person accomplish such amazing things. He is experiencing a new world from a whole new angle and I love watching the wonder on his face and the pure joy in his eyes as he makes it a little farther than yesterday.

J O Y fills my heart as I experience Motherhood for the 5th time.
Just 1 little boy brings such love, such light and such wonder into even an ordinary day.
I love you Sethy boy

Here are a few of our precious moments this past year







Sarah said…
Happy Birthday Seth! I can't believe how big he is and walking already??? that went so fast! He is such a happy sweet little boy!!!!! so cute wit his blonde hair:)
Blackburn5 said…
Ok I teared up a little. I think with each one we appreciate the journey so much more. Thank you for sharing your blessing with us and giving us all an extra bounce in our step. Happy Birthday Seth!
houseofhud said…
Happy Birthday Seth! He is a cute little boy!
Jennyanne said…
Happy Birthday little Seth!
merideth said…
what!?! your baby is one? wow that went so fast. what a cutie.
and those pics of emma below are gorgeous.
Oler Family said…
what a cute little man! isn't it crazy how fast time goes by? I

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