A P R I L has been a busy month. e a s t e r AND t w o special b i r t h d a y s it is the cutest thing in the world to hear the pitter patter of little feet coming toward me and to look up and see my baby, my little man, walking around the house, truly enjoying the freedom of his new accomplishment. what is it that is so adorable about a little person when they are learning to walk? could it be that is is one of those milestones that immediately changes the way that you look at your child, like watching them with new eyes, experiencing true joy as they grow and become a little stronger a little smarter . . . . . a little more independent? i once heard a quote that i can't remember perfectly but it went something like this, " You know you've succeeded as a parent when your children don't need you anymore." In all that we do we are teaching, guiding and hopefully inspiring our children to find their own wings, to see all that is good within, and to learn...