Snowflakes are little miracles

what is it about a snowflake that makes us stop and admire with wonder and awe?
Snowflake Electromicrograph

One morning as emma and i looked outside we were amazed with the beauty before us. everything the eye could see was covered with snow. . . .but as we looked closer we realized it wasn't plain old snow, everything was covered in SNOWFLAKES. all the trees branches, roof tops, fences and benches, even the antenna of our van was lined with these beautiful little masterpieces.

snowflake fact
*no two snowflakes are alike

*yet each is magnificently symmetrical and intricate

*snowflakes are a form of water ice formed around a spec of dust

whenever you see snowflakes you are seeing millions of little miracles, at least that is how emma and i felt this magical morning in Feburary.

we caught them on our tongues

they got caught in emma's hair and on her eye lashes

just look at that winter wonderland
how perfect that she has snowflakes on her coat too!

magnificent isn't it?

my sweet girl
we gathered up some of the fluffly white stuff and made homemade snow cones with strawberry syrup. i was a delicious treat and a perfect way to end a magical morning together.

this moment of motherhood was heaven sent
i love my you my sweet emma


Thomas Family said…
So sweet. You are such a good Mom Emily, and I have to admit that your beautiful snow pictures made me miss winter wonderland for a little bit!

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