Who is this guy?

all i have to say....
is that i am impressed that my man can grow a full beard in less than 6 weeks.
we volunteered to be a part of the live nativity which is put on by the latter-day saint people every year as a gift to the community.....
i was mary
brian was joseph
will was a shepherd
this was such a special way to serve our community and be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves... we were reminded that this was the only time some people in the community hear the christmas story!
we loved every minute of rehearsal, costume, make-up (even if i was required to wear dangerous amounts of blue eye shadow) AND OF COURSE THE PERFORMANCE ITSELF!
......riding the donkey was exciting
okay truthfully it was a little scary!
the entire experience truly made me reflect, with gratitude, on the greatness of the christmas story, that mary did ride that donkey for 3 days to get to bethlehem, that jospeh loved mary deeply and did all he could to provide for them.....that the babe born that holy night was the CHRIST CHILD and he came to save the world from sin.
that perfect, little child has truly changed the world and can change our hearts if we will but make room for him.


Sarah said…
To be able to do that together, what great memories! That is what it's all about. I wish you had a picture of you as Mary.
Brian's beard is very impressive!!
houseofhud said…
He looks like "John the Bushman" who survived in the woods around our cabin, breaking and entering the cabins around the lake to steal things he needed to survive!!! Kidding...but that is impressive!
Stephanie said…
I am so glad your blog is open again!! I kept waiting and waiting for an invite ;) and finally popped on "just in case". Lucky me!
I think being part of the nativity would have been an amazing experience, let alone getting to do it with your hubby AND son.
I hope you are feeling good and lovin' life!!!
And really. How talented is Brian being able to grow all that facial hair!
Anonymous said…
Wow! I can't even do that (the beard thing). Sounds like a great experience. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Bobby Jo said…
okay, so the beard is amazing! Jake is jealous. He says he cannot do that in three months! How fun to see you guys! The kids are always saying how much they miss you! We do too! Love you guys

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