"ALL ABOUT MOM" TAG....answered by Maddison

Some of my friends have been doing this and it is such a cute idea! Thanks Michelle and Mer! Here is what Maddi had to say about ME!

1. what is something mom always says to you? " thank you"
(I guess I am not as big of a nag as I thought)
2. what makes mom happy? "when I make her laugh"
3. what makes mom sad? "when I yell at her"
4. how does mom make you laugh? "she tickles me"
5. what was mom like as a child? "hmmm....short hair, blue eyes, light skin and very quiet"
(I thought this was pretty cute, the physical description is right on, but I was very opossite from quiet)
6. how old is your mom? "30"
(I'll be 30 in October)
7. how tall is your mom? " I don't know about 15 inches"
(hilarious, I am a little fairy!)
8. what is her favorite thing to do? "play tennis"
(this is funny because a few weeks ago we went and played tennis with another couple and the kids ran around and played, I think that was the first time she's ever seen me play tennis)
9. what does your mom do when you're not around? "play with Ethan"
10. if your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? "singing"
(in my dreams Maddi, only in my dreams)
11. what is your mom really good at? "serving people at dinner"
(i am so glad that dinner time is a positive memory for her, I can't admit the same most days!)
12. what is your mom not very good at? "yelling and baseball"
(I love that those two words are in the same thought!)
13. what does your mom do for her job? "she stayes at home and cleans"
(lately with our house for sale cleaning does feel like a full time job!)
14. what is your mom's favorite food? "pizza"
(now, I think that is Maddi's favorite food!)
15. what makes you proud of your mom? "she worked really hard at swimming"
(I think she is referring to my triathlon)
16. if your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? "Aurora from Sleeping Beauty"
17. what do you and your mom do together? "jump on the trampoline"
18. how are you and your mom the same? "we have the same hair and eyes"
19. how are you and your mom different? "I have a big beauty mark on my leg"
20. how do you know your mom loves you? "she gives me kisses and hugs"

I had to really try to keep her attention towards the end, she wanted to be done answering questions!

I LOVE YOU MADDISON! Maddison tags Joyce, Mallory, Ki, and her brother Will!


Micah and Jen said…
What a cute tag! I hope Bobby does it!!! :)
That was sweet. Whar a fun and enlightening thing to do with your kids!
Thanks for all your sweet and supportive comments on our blog!
Love ya,
Hi Emily was talking with Brian today and he said you had a blog. He was not for sure what the address was he's like it's Boehme buzz or something or another. So I did some looking and I found you! I love your blog and hope you don't mind me looking at it now and again. Blogging is such a great way to keep updated on family and friends. Hope all is well.
Jake and Megan said…
What a fun post. Maddi is a mini you! How fun! Mallory wants to do it today! Let's get together!
Oler Family said…
What a sweet girl! You two look so much alike! Such cute answers. It will be fun to compare her answers to Will's!

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