So for all of you who are wondering if it is just rumor that we are moving home to Canada this summer......well here is a little proof!
Our house is FOR SALE! We put it up for sale about a week ago and have already had a few interested buyers contacting our realtor. We are so excited for this move home to Lethbridge and hope that everything goes smoothly with the sale and moving! Hopefully not too soon or I guess we'll be renting for a few months until the kids finish school! We have loved, loved, loved this little house, our first home where we've made lots of wonderful memories.....but Canada and family here we come! YIPPEEEE!


houseofhud said…
Yay!!! We can't wait for you to be closer.
Jake and Megan said…
Your house is so cute! We have mixed emotions about you moving! We are excited that you get to live by family! But on the other hand we are sad because we won't get to see you. We will hopefully stay in touch. I guess that is what the blogs are for--right?
Kjerstin Lind said…
Hey Boehme family! I'm so excited that I found you! That is exciting that you are moving back to Canada. Have fun and keep your blog up to date so that we can keep in touch!

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