Maddison has an incredible preschool teacher who sent home with each child a butterfly larva and we had the amazing experience of watching that little catterpillar go through every stage of its life cycle! We were even able to see with our own eyes as it emerged from the chrysalis....a beautiful butterfly! For Maddi it was love at first sight and she named her Crystal. We had a few scary moments when Maddi just had to hold her, and accidentally set her free, loosing her in the house. After a prayer and nothing short of a true miracle, I found the butterfly downstairs in the basement while I was folding laundry! Then one beautiful summer day towards the end of May we let her fly free as all butterflies should! And every once in a while as we are playing outside the children will say...."Look Mom, it's Crystal!" These moments with my children are truly shaping me, what joy comes as we wonder together over the beauty of God's creations!

egg- larva-chrysalis-butterfly

Ethan, giving Crystal her first check up! Yup, perfect in every way!!!

Don't look at the dirty face...look at the expression of wonder on that sweet girls face!


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