A visit from Grama and Grampa Baker as they traveled back from Arizona was a special treat. My children are so blessed to have Great Grandparents! We love you Grama and Grampa!

Our little Ethan playing Cowboy!

Good Morning Emma! She is such a cheerful little girl in the mornings I just had to snap this shot!

Maybe she is smiling cause Spring is here, I know I sure am! Time for playing outside, picnic's at the park and jumping on the trampoline!

Maddi and Will had the chance around Easter time to meet their little cousins Tyson and Jackson! Jenny and Josh came down with the kids as well as Grama Sharon and Grampa Dave for Easter weekend! We had a wonderful time together! I loved meeting and holding these little boys, they are so darling and as you can see Maddi and Will loved to help and hold them whenever they had the chance!


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