HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA! We had a Spring theme for her birthday party....I thought the strawberry cake turned out really cute and the flower cupcakes were a hit with the kids, they loved the lollipop! Fun to decorate.....though it is very unlikely Emma noticed!Will trying to hold Emma back from the cake until the camera's were ready! Our sweet little girl.....she is such a joy to have in our home!
Seth David Boehme April 8th, 2009 4:48am 9 lbs. 1 oz 21 inches Our little man (did I just say little?) is finally here and what joy we feel at his arrival! Here are some pictures!
still no baby yet! isn't this a great one of me, wish I could say I am making that face because I am in labor! Just a few round pictures of me, before I POP! Yes I am really trying to look happy and now you are all forced to make MANY comments about how great I look, how tiny I am AND SO ON! I think there must be something up with my due dates. My original due date was April 10th....so I guess I could have another week or more of pregnancy to endure. However, my ultrasound date was 3 weeks 7 days off so the DR decided to bump my date forward to April 1st, 2009! I feel like my body is trying to surrender and yet this baby is not quite ready to come into the world yet! Gotta trust the process I guess, baby will come when he/she is good and ready! I decided to remove the baby gadget that counted down the days so we all could be surprised together without counting DAYS! I for one, am going a little crazy with all the "what if's!" So.....wish me luck....say a little pray...
As you can see by my countdown I don't have much time left until I will have a sweet little baby in my arms. I am so excited to meet this precious little one, boy or girl. I have been feeling like it will be a girl, and Brian is pretty confident it is a boy.....to say the least we are a house divided! All the girls voting GIRL and all the boys voting BOY ! All my other babies were born at either 38 or 39 weeks so it could be anytime really. So.... today I decided to be ambitious and have a bread day . A friend of mine shared a new bread recipe with me and as most of you know I LOVE MAKING HOMEMADE BREAD, no store bought bread in this country house! And so today I decided to make a big batch to hopefully last until I have this baby. My friend even shared a secret on how to make BAGELS. Mmmmmm, they are so delicious. I think my favorite part about making bread is watching my kids come home from school on bread day and hearing....."Mommy it smells so good," "You made ...