
Showing posts from May, 2008


Saturday, May 24th, 2008 well ... those were the words written on the shirt i received when i went to rigby, friday night to attend the meeting held for all first time triathletes. i had hoped it would calm my nerves to see where i would be racing the next day and to get a few pointers and tips for the day of the race....but it seemed i came away from that bitter cold meeting with icicles for toes, a racing heart, and the overall feeling of "what am i doing!" it's not that they were trying to scare me, i just think the reality of the race was enough to do, just that! i remember their distinct words ~ don't expect to place, just finish~ it's imperative that you know how to change a flat ~get a good night sleep~if you die you signed a waiver that you wouldn't sue! so.....looking back i am not really surprised that i got A BIG 2 hours of sleep that night because of my anxiety and ironically my excitement for the race. although i must say that a stop at my f...

2008 Dance Pictures

Maddison loved taking dance this year, many of her friends from Kindergarten were in her class and she had wonderful teachers. I decided to have a friend take some pictures instead of just going with the studio photographer and I am so glad that I did! Thanks so much Jennifer for making time to take Maddi's pictures, I love them! ~ Maddison danced over the weekend in front of hundreds of people both Friday and Saturday and was so cute to watch as she performed with a smile and enjoyed every minute of being in the spotlight! I love you Maddi, you are growing up so fast!
EMMA'S second BiRtHdAy ! ~The cake~ Emma sure seemed to understand that it was all about her special day! She loved the candles, although blowing them out was harder than she thought! With help from the other kids she figured it out pretty quick. But that is "Emma style," all she needs is a little encouragement and she is MISS INDEPENDENT! Enjoying her cake This sweet little girl of ours has been such a joy to watch grow up these past two years! I'll admit she dared to do everything sooner and with more "INTENSITY" than any of my other kids. Those who know me, might say, watch out! EMMA didn't just learn to walk at 11 months... she learned to do somersaults , hop and run! Her abilities on a trampoline astonish every audience, as she some how with her tiny build manages to bound 2ft off the tramp and land without buckling at the knees! She recently learned how to do an amazing " James Bond " stunt to get out of her crib! She pulls h...

Graduation to PIGTAILS

eMMa My baby is growing up, there is something about her hair all pulled up that makes her look so BIG! After a disastrous haircut, lovingly given by her big sister, we feel it is a true milestone to graduate to PIGTAILS!

PRESENTING, as one of the "Three Little Pigs!" . . . .

W I L L B O E H M E Will was chosen by his classmates for his part as one of the 3 Pigs in his school play, LEMONADE! Most of the acting parts were done by the 2nd and 3rd grade students, so I was thrilled that Will would be such a good sport and try his hand or should I say hoof, at acting! He was all practised up and excited on the day of the performance and was such a champ to wear the PINK sweater picked for the costume. They looked so cute and said their lines perfectly! We love you Will, you are such a smart and talented little man!