
Showing posts from November, 2013
Image has been a very long time since I posted anything on my blog. Life is so busy, and yet I know if I take the time to stop and record what we are doing it will be so worth it in the long run. My husband is a Physiotherapist....a really good one!  Of course I think that, but really, his dream for a very long time has been to start his own Physio clinic.  We took this jump and planned and brainstormed our name, logo etc.  This has been such a fun process, we still have much work to do and I am realizing a venture like this takes time to get going and off the ground.    BUT... On Sept. 1st  CORE MANUAL THERAPY opened it's doors to the public.  It was such a whirlwind of renovations, as we did many of them ourselves (and by ourselves I mean Brian and I and the help of his amazing family).  Looking back it is truly amazing what we accomplished in just a matter of weeks. Brian has been extremely busy and the business is on it's way up!!!...